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John Appler View John Appler's profile on LinkedIn

John Appler is a high-technology executive who has a track record of success bringing the largest brands and market leaders to start-ups and emerging companies. John's career of over 25 years includes experience in general management P&L roles at large companies and in early stage roles at start-ups where he helped create several successful exits for investors.

Jacob Hammond View Jacob Hammond's profile on LinkedIn

Jacob Hammond is an IT professional with over nine years of web development experience working with numerous tech companies and web startups. Jacob has extensive experience in PHP/MySQL web development, data architecture, systems administration and complete concept-to-finish solutions.

Tam Su View Tam Su's profile on LinkedIn

Tam Su is a former Director of UI and Production at FOX Interactive Media where he was responsible for the user experience and development of sites such as and MySpace. Recently Tam was the Director of User Experience and Marketing Design at from 2007 to 2010, where he was a key driver in transforming an enterprise software company to a consumer services company. As's VP Marketing, Tam is working passionately to evangelize the cause to help the world, one rec at a time. Tam is responsible for user experience and marketing strategy at this new RiverRock site.

Carl Frick View Carl Frick's profile on LinkedIn

Carl Frick is a SVP of Engineering for one of the nation's largest financial institutions. He has over 20 years of experience managing some of the industry's most advanced and complex data networks. Carl is also passionate about product recommendations and has written thousands of insightful product reviews. Carl's reviews are consistently rated highly by consumers for quality and helpfulness and as such Carl is ranked as one of the top 50 product reviewers on Carl is VP of Content for RiverRockLLC's new product recommendation website